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Someone is bad...

I know you're a bad men...
Because I have discovered your dirty thought last night...
You're a bad men...
The worst one in this world......
I can't believe all of you say...
Don't say for me that is all my mistake...
No one will believe you...
Don't push me,I'm not a play girl......
Even if everyone think of me is a play girl...


The end...I hope you remember this,I'm not a play girl...I'm not your toy...Is also not the girl you can play...
You can't play...This is not a game,isn't you can play...Because,you're the worst one in this world...I don't want to play with you,this is not the game which you can play...Do you know...Don't provoke me...Otherwise, you were finished...You know me,I was dangerous...If you fuck me,I've gotta fuck you...And,at that time,you may know what is game over...So,don't do that...Otherwise,you will regret  your provoke...

Someone is bad...Remembered that protects itself...


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 回复 发布者:rayjay
2008-11-04 13:06
我错了,不能对小女孩说话太粗鲁。。u r fucking awesome。。。。

 回复 发布者:Maja
2008-11-04 09:35
你竟然对我用fucking hot!!!

 回复 发布者:rayjay
2008-11-04 00:55
wow ..........someone wanna make luv with u ......... wow .....it means u r fucking hot ..........

 回复 发布者:
2008-09-19 23:54
Don't push me,I'm not a play girl......push or touch

 回复 发布者:Maja
2008-08-09 23:51

 回复 发布者:许愿的猪
2008-08-09 21:25

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