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My pain

标签: Sad

I feel hurt now...
God,please tell me why...
Tell me why they want to hurt me,
want to make me feel sad...
OK,you're winner...
You make me sad and hurt...
Thank you,
you let me understand the human nature danger,
let me understand nobody you can believing...
Ever your family member...
You're intentionally,I know...
So,from this moment,
I hope you can remember this,
I hate you...

I don't cry,
cry only to represent me care,
I will smile,
because I don't care...

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 回复 发布者:Maja
2008-11-04 09:56
En...I will remember this!!!Rayjay...

 回复 发布者:rayjay
2008-11-03 23:14
fk......if u wanna cry .... just cry for urself ......nobody hears and nobody care .........just for urself ........Just remember ,TODAY SI ANOTHER DAY ..........yeah ......everyday is ur own lonly day , just be happy as a kid ......and just be sad when u r sad .........wish u goodluck and give u a chance to cry ,and nobody can give u a clew ......just urself ........up ...........

 回复 发布者:原野·大蟹
2008-05-24 21:16
Yes...It was I wrote...chines english , haha

 回复 发布者:Maja
2008-05-24 16:09

 回复 发布者:从此改名叫小新
2008-05-24 09:12

 回复 发布者:forget-me-not
2008-05-21 11:13
If you don't care too much you'll find you're not that hurt. Don't you agree?

 回复 发布者:Maja
2008-05-19 18:46
Sure,I know...But...There're something happened to me...I will try it,and wish I can...

 回复 发布者:Mr.Leuko
2008-05-19 16:50
You wrote?? oh no ,oh yes ,oh my god,,,,,don't hate everbody,hate is only represent your sad,,,,you know??

 回复 发布者:Maja
2008-05-19 14:10
Yes...It was I wrote...

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