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outside of wow gold completely

In most other role playing games you usually are just able to do one quest or wow gold at a time and must complete that before you can level up or advance. Not so with world of warcraft, you can have your character take on up to 20 different quests without a penalty for abandoning any of them. Other games only offer you a level up, after going through battles. WOW allows you to gain experience through fulfilling quests and exploring. What I’m getting at here is that this is not just a ‘macho man’s’ game, it invites women and people of all ages who don’t just want to invest themselves in simply slashing and burning their time away.

Your Virtual World e-CommerceJust as in other virtual game worlds, you can buy, sell, make, and even loot the items you need. What’s interesting here though is not only are there the normal merchant characters that sell items at
car wash prices you also have the availability to sell and buy from other players directly through auction houses located in your realm. This actually takes your strategy outside of the online playing since you can have direct negotiations with another player and haggle over the price of particular items. There is also the controversial practice of selling and buying many items outside of World of Warcraft completely. Of course this is frowned upon by the games Terms of Service, but it goes on non-the less.

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